Aantal werkwoord vormen: 51
Gebiedende wijs en deelwoorden
Present Participle ill-using
Present Participle ill-used
Imperative ill-use
Soort I you he/she/it we you they
Present ill-use ill-use ill-uses ill-use ill-use ill-use
Past ill-used ill-used ill-used ill-used ill-used ill-used
Future will ill-use will ill-use will ill-use will ill-use will ill-use will ill-use
Present conditional would ill-use would ill-use would ill-use would ill-use would ill-use would ill-use
Past conditional would have ill-used would have ill-used would have ill-used would have ill-used would have ill-used would have ill-used
Present Perfect have ill-used have ill-used has ill-used have ill-used have ill-used have ill-used
Past Perfect had ill-used had ill-used had ill-used had ill-used had ill-used had ill-used
Future Perfect will have ill-used will have ill-used will have ill-used will have ill-used will have ill-used will have ill-used

Vervoegde woorden voor en na ill-use